Six Smart Ways to Celebrate 4/20

Spring is here and so is our favorite holiday, 4/20. While using cannabis is the obvious way to observe April 20th, we wanted to give you some other ideas.

If you love the leaf, here are some ways to grow your knowledge and become a true cannabis champion.

Get Your Card

For an article about smart ways to celebrate 4/20, this one might seem like a bit of a no-brainer. Nevertheless, we think the smartest way to use cannabis is with the protection of a Medical Cannabis Card.

As a Medical Cannabis cardholder, you can purchase, possess, and use cannabis without worrying about violating state laws. When you buy cannabis at a state-licensed pharmacy, you have the satisfaction of knowing your product is as safe and effective as possible.

Getting your card is easier than you might think. Visit to schedule an appointment with one of our Qualified Medical Providers.

Write Your Elected Officials

Earlier this month, the U.S House of Representatives voted in favor of the MORE Act, a bill to decriminalize cannabis at the federal level. None of Utah’s congressmen voted “yea” on the bill, but it’s encouraging that most members of the House want cannabis decriminalized.

A victory in the House alone isn’t enough to decriminalize cannabis. For the measure to become law, the U.S. Senate also has to grant its approval. Although the MORE Act is not expected to advance through the Senate, some senators are working on their own solution.

U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer and some of his colleagues are working to finalize provisions in the Cannabis Administration & Opportunity Act (CAOA). Like the MORE Act, CAOA would repeal the federal prohibition of cannabis by removing it from the US Controlled Substances Act.

If you want the federal prohibition of cannabis to end, consider writing to the congressman and senators elected to serve you. You can do this very easily on the Marijuana Policy Project website. For even further impact, look up your representatives in the Utah Legislature and write to them too.

Do Your Part to Destigmatize

For the last several decades, people raised in America have been exposed to a barrage of powerful anti-cannabis messages. In recent years, a majority of states have legalized cannabis in some form, but there remains a heavy stigma around the drug.

Despite polls that show a majority of American voters support legalization, some people still view cannabis as part of a counterculture.

Many of them will never change their minds about cannabis. Others will change their minds, but only if they hear about the benefits of cannabis from someone they trust. Someone like you.

Destigmatizing cannabis certainly won’t happen overnight, but we might accelerate the process by sharing our viewpoints with others. If Medical Cannabis has helped you in some way, consider sharing that information with people you know.

The story of your unique experience with cannabis might be all it takes to help someone else understand its value as a powerful and effective medicine.

Donate to Uplift

Utah now has nearly 50,000 patients registered in its Medical Cannabis program. We’re encouraged that such a large part of the population can finally get the relief they need.

But there are other qualifying patients who, for financial reasons, have yet to join. That’s why we decided to launch Uplift, a charity that subsidizes Medical Cannabis evaluations for those in need.

Since December, our patients and partners have helped us raise enough money to fund Medical Cannabis evaluations for over 100 people. Through donation-matching, Utah Therapeutic Health Center and its partners multiply donations by 800%.

If you enjoy the privilege of using Medical Cannabis, consider helping others to do the same. Visit for details.

Know Your Rights

As we said earlier, Medical Cannabis cardholders in Utah can legally purchase, possess, and use cannabis. But there are some limitations to those privileges.

WholesomeCo Cannabis lawyer JD Lauritzen and UTTHC founder Tim Pickett answered the most common questions about Utah’s Medical Cannabis laws. Click here to watch their “Know Your Rights” webinar on YouTube.

On 4/20, remember that using cannabis in public view is still illegal, even for Medical Cannabis cardholders, except in emergencies. We recommend using your cannabis at home, or at another private residence whose owner has given you the green light.

Try Something New

If you’ve been using Medical Cannabis for a while, you’ve probably figured out your “go-to” strains and methods of consumption.

You might prefer to inhale cannabis using a cartridge or a dry herb vaporizer. Maybe you prefer using cannabis in an edible or a tincture form. But there are other ways to use Medical Cannabis that you may not have heard of or tried yet.

Medical Cannabis is available in a variety of delivery methods, and you might not be using the best one for your needs. Next time you’re at the pharmacy, consider picking up a product that is entirely new to you.

If you need fresh ideas, we’ve put together a handy shopping guide with a variety of suggestions on Medical Cannabis products to try.

From everyone at Utah Therapeutic Health Center, we wish you a safe and happy 4/20!

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By David Wells
Content Producer & Analyst at
Published April 15, 2022

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