If Pain Has Led You to Medical Cannabis, You’re Not Alone

According to the state’s official numbers from May 2024, there are now more than 86k Medical Cannabis Card holders in Utah. Persistent pain is the most often cited complaint on card applications. More than 63k of the card holders in Utah rely on Medical Cannabis to manage persistent pain.

We say all of that to say this: if pain has led you to Medical Cannabis, know that you are not alone. Know that there are tens of thousands of people in Utah who know what it’s like to live with persistent pain. Across the country, there are millions.

We Haven’t Done a Very Good Job

Historically, we haven’t done a particularly good job of figuring out how to treat pain. At least that is the case with the healthcare system here in the U.S. Perhaps that’s because our approach to healthcare since the Civil War era has been largely pharmacological. The thing about pharmacology is that it doesn’t have all the answers.

Chronic pain patients know that all too well. We cannot tell you how many patients we have seen, patients who have come to us after trying absolutely everything their primary medical providers have recommended. They have come to us out of desperation.

The good news in all of this is that we don’t have to continue doing things the way they have always been done. Medical Cannabis offers us the opportunity to look at persistent pain from a different perspective. It opens the door to exploring new therapies that medical science has resisted for so long.

Your Pain Is a Personal Thing

One of the reasons we have struggled to treat pain is the fact that pain is a very personal thing. Your pain is yours alone. How you feel on a day-to-day basis may be similar to the way another patient feels, but the two of you are not identical. Just like you are different individuals from a physiological and biological perspective, you are also individuals in the way you perceive and experience pain.

This reality points to an uncomfortable truth: there is no one-size-fits-all treatment for persistent pain. Even within specific therapies, there is no one way to administer those therapies. Approaching persistent pain from a Medical Cannabis perspective recognizes that.

All You Want Is Relief

The Medical Cannabis perspective also recognizes that you just want relief. That is what this is all about. You have had enough of the pain dictating how you live your life. You want to take control of your life back. You want to return to doing the things you did before the pain set in.

Medical Cannabis is not a cure for whatever is causing your pain. But neither are prescription painkillers and surgical procedures. The goal with Medical Cannabis is pain relief – nothing more and nothing less. We believe you should have access to it. Fortunately, the state of Utah agrees.

If You Don’t Yet Have a Card

Treating persistent pain with Medical Cannabis in the state of Utah requires a Medical Cannabis Card. If you don’t yet have a card, obtaining one is not difficult. But you will need to see a medical provider before you can complete your application.

Utah Marijuana is the online arm of a company that runs health clinics around the state. Our medical providers are Qualified Medical Providers (QMPs) certified by the state of Utah. We invite you to make an appointment to visit any one of our clinics so that we can help you get your card. You want pain relief; we are here to help you find it.

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By UtahMarijuana.org
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Published June 28, 2024

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