How to Support the Industry Above and Beyond Your Medical Needs

Here at Utah Marijuana, we are very much in favor of supporting the Medical Cannabis industry in whatever way we can. We help patients obtain their Medical Cannabis cards in accordance with state law. We maintain a list of pharmacies and Qualified Medical Providers (QMPs). We even do a weekly podcast. Did you know that you can support the industry as well – above and beyond your medical needs?

No doubt it’s pretty cool that you can go into any Medical Cannabis pharmacy in the state and get the medicine you need. Medical Marijuana is readily accessible under the guidance of a QMP. But there is more to the industry than that.

Here’s just one example: Utah Marijuana’s Tim Pickett recently joined co-host Chris Holifield on a Utah in the Weeds podcast featuring a local Salt Lake City business owner whose retail location focuses mainly on hemp products. Her business is just as much a part of the industry as ours.

Medicinal CBD Products

It’s a safe bet patients visit her store looking for health-related CBD products. They have a full menu. Are gummies your thing? They have them. They also have tinctures and vape liquids. Just about anything you’d expect from a CBD outlet is there. But guess what? They do not stop at health products.

They sell other hemp stuff, too. For example, did you know you can buy clothing made from hemp-derived fabric? It’s pretty awesome. Hemp-derived fabrics are eco-friendly and sustainable. And let’s face it, it’s not every day you get to walk around town while wearing clothes made from hemp.

A Whole New World

Do not fall into the trap of thinking that the entire universe of Medical Marijuana revolves around putting a little flower in your vaporizer and dry heating it. Hemp adds an entirely separate dynamic. And because the federal government legalized industrial hemp a couple of years ago, that part of the industry is actually a whole new world unto itself.

Way back when Medical Marijuana was in its infancy, federal and state laws didn’t draw a significant distinction between CBD and THC. Hemp and marijuana, both being cannabis plants, were equally unwelcome. Thankfully, education won out.

Regardless, there were not a whole lot of hemp producers back then. CBD was pretty expensive, too. But when Washington gave industrial hemp the green light, everything changed. Now CBD and hemp products are available just about everywhere.

Whatever Medicine You Need

Maybe you have your Medical Cannabis card but you’re not really sure what medicines are best for you. Work with your QMP and Pharmacy Medical Provider (PMP) to figure it out. That’s why they are there. In the meantime, also know you can support the industry above and beyond your medical needs.

Local businesses selling CBD stuff need and deserve your patronage. They go out of their way to develop high-quality products and merchandise for the cannabis community. Show them you support their efforts by giving them your business. Isn’t it better to buy locally than to shop with some strange, unknown entity online?

Medical Cannabis in Utah is still in its infancy. We are glad the state legislature finally listened to the people and put together a workable program for our state. The program still has a long way to go, but we have already come a long way since Medical Cannabis began to be available in Utah.

It is up to us to move things forward and support the industry in every possible way. As a Medical Cannabis patient, we hope you will join us in doing so.

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Published September 7, 2021

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