Making the World Greener for Earth Day

Believe it or not, we’re not just all about sticky, icky green cannabis flower here. Utah Therapeutic Health Center,’s affiliate clinic, cares about making our planet a greener place in all senses of the word. To show Mother Nature a little love this Earth Day, UTTHC took an evening last week to plant trees with the volunteer group Tree Utah.utah therapeutic health center utthc team planting trees on earth day with volunteer group tree utah

Who is Tree Utah?

Founded in 1988, the non-profit organization Tree Utah started as the brainchild of Salt Lake Tribune journalist Pepper Provenzano. In their own words, Tree Utah’s Community Tree Planting Program “helps make our schools and parks beautiful and inviting by planting and maintaining large trees. With newly planted trees, these areas will help improve the air, lower temperatures in our cities, and even reduce crime.” For us here at, that’s all we needed to hear to want to help out.

UTTHC Earth Day 2021

In September 2020, Utah had a near-apocalyptic windstorm that took out many of the trees in the state. Giant trees that have outlived most of us were uprooted and pulled from the ground like dandelions. For days, fallen trees lined the streets and many lived without power as the storm took out power lines, cars, and even homes. In short: Utah needed more trees.

We couldn’t wait for Earth Day to help our community go green. (One could argue we’ve been helping our community go green for about a year now, no?) On Thursday, April 15th, the Utah Therapeutic Health Center crew bundled up, braved the cold rain, hail, and snow to plant trees in Utah’s beautiful International Peace Gardens. We planted two trees just outside of the England area of the gardens, which we so utah therapeutic health center utthc team planting trees on earth day with volunteer group tree utahfittingly named Treech and Chong. (Treech pictured left.) Even in spite of the weather, the Tree Utah event helped give 13 trees a new home that evening.

Go Green

How did you show your planet some love this holiday? Better yet, how do you show your planet love every day? Even little things like reusable water bottles and carpooling once a week help her feel better. As always, if Utah Therapeutic Health Center can help you feel better, please give us a call or reserve an appointment online.

Looking for another way to go green? Check out the Utah in the Weeds podcast, hosted by Chris Holifield and founder Tim Pickett. Tim and Chris chat with Medical Cannabis patients and those in the industry about everything from laws to favorite strains. It’s a must-listen for those looking to learn more about the Utah cannabis space and community.

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Published April 29, 2021

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